Doll face photoshop technique

Sometimes i can be so amazed by Photoshop CS4 and what it can do to manipulate photos. today i’m gonna share about Doll Face psd technique, i learn this tech from my youtube guru : stephanie valentine, she’s very talented. you can check her website here :

Here are a few samples of her doll face celebrity

see how cute they can be when they turn into dolls lol ^0^, and here are few samples of my photos editing into doll face (don’t laugh oke, still learning :p)

this is me ^^

this is my friend Yohana, she ask me to reconstruct her face into a doll, haha …

me and my friend Airin

basicly doll face is about : big eyes, small nose, lips& chin, head kinda like an alien head. the tools in PSD are : transform-distort : to make the alien head/face, then Liquify (bloat, pucker&warp), just use your imagination, and not editing too much ^^

Here an articels i found about beauty photos hoax, can you believe it, we almost can’t tell if it’s real or photoshoped (PSD you rocks!!!) ^^, this girl make a sensation over a night cause if her doll face photos,


real person (still pretty without PSD)

thx for reading

About myhummingbird

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